Thursday, October 23, 2008

शुभ दीपावली

अब दीपावली मैं ज्यादा दिन नहीं रह गए हैं। लेकिन मुझे लगता है की लोग शायद यह भूल गए हैं। आज जब मैं शाम को दफ्तर आ रहा था, मुझे सिर्फ़ दो या तीन घरों मैं ही रौशनी की सजावट दिखी।

अगर मेरी बात मानी जाए तो सब जगह, बाज़ार हो या घर, रौशनी ही रौशनी होनी चाहिए.....और वह भी कम से कम एक हफ्ते पहले से ही।

या तो लोग बहुत कंजूस हो गए हैं, या फिर वह आपने रोज्मर्रह के कामों मैं बहुत ही व्यस्त हो गए हैं पिछले कुछ सालों से मैं यह देखता रहा हूँ की लोग अब सिर्फ़ दो या तीन दिन पहले ही रौशनी से घर को सजाते हैं और दीपावली के अगले ही दिन उन्हें उतार देते हैं मुझे यह ठीक नहीं लगता

दीपावली के दिन तो सब लोग ज्यादातर समय आपने आपने घरों मैं ही बिताते हैं। रौशनी से साजे हुए मोहल्ले को देखने का आनंद तो अन्य दिनों मैं अधिक होगा। अगर सब ही एक हफ्ते के लिए रौशनी करें, तो बहुत अछा होगा।

आप सबको दीपावली की हार्दिक शुभ्काम्नैयें।

A couple of people have requested me for a translation:

Basically I am just complaining and being grumpy about the fact that people don't decorate their houses with the lights for more than a couple of days..... I love colorful lights everywhere and on Diwali that combination of lights looks so alluring. But unfortunately I really can't go out so much on Diwali.....So I request everyone to put the light decoration on at least for a week....

Happy Diwali...

I am also adding a pic!!


उन्मुक्त said...

दीपावली आपको भी शुभ हो।

Express said...

aapko bhi hardik shubh-kaamnaye..

Diwali is like the best best festival with all the best food, lights, clothes, colours, meeting people, crackers, etc etc etc..

But dont you think with the lack of electricity n global warming being an issue, it is in a way, good?

I have 4 hours load-shedding each day man, living in the financial capital of the country, trust me, it only helps :-P

Anonymous said...

i cant read hindi.. all i understood was that it myte be apost on diwali... happy diwali akshay

Tairebabs said...

Translation, Translation, Translation pleaseeee....pretty please...

Keshi said...

Happy Diwali to ya Akshay! Nice pic :)

But I dun u'stand any word in this post LOL!


Emaan said...

Wish you a very very Happy Diwali too buddy :-)

and u must visit me when ur in delhi next.. mybe in jan if possible.. on my birthday !

Keshi said...

ty for the translation!

Is that all Akshay? :) My request to ppl wud be for them to light up their hearts n souls more than their homes.


Akshay said...


Happy Diwali!!

Akshay said...

Express : May be I am lucky that ways.... we don't get that load shedding crap.....

I know you are right in a way..... but i love those wonderful colorful lights all around....

I love Diwali sweets....this time someone got these awesome Kesar-badam barfi.... its amazing .....

Akshay said...

Chriz : Happy Diwali dude...

Akshay said...

Tairebabs : ur wish is my Command... Njoy...

Akshay said...

Keshi :

You are absolutely right.... people are stuck-up on a lotta crappy stuff..

I just get a lil selfish about Diwali lights though.... I kindda get this unique pleasure when I see beautiful lights everywhere..... It makes me happy....


Akshay said...

Emaan : Dude!! I can't resist this invitation .... I will come for sure!!

Happy Diwali!!

Tairebabs said...

Hey Akshay, heard about Diwali for the first time from Keshi's blog. I know it has to do with loads of lights but I want to know other things like what the celebration is all about, does it last for a single day or is it a weekly/monthly celebration????

Keshi said...

**.... I kindda get this unique pleasure when I see beautiful lights everywhere....

awww me too...I get totally mesmerised by shimmering lil lamps! :)


Macadamia The Nut said...

Translate please?

Akshay said...

Tairebabs : Hey...It's to celebrate the homecoming for King Ram (an incarnation of Vishnu) to his Kingdom Ayodhaya after a 14-year exile in the forest and his victory over the evil demon-king Ravan.

Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day. It's pretty much the Christmas of India.... so people start celebration before the actual Festival Day. The day before Diwali is called Choti Diwali (Small Diwali). But the firecrackers can be heard and seen days before and after. Two days after Diwali Bhaiya-Dooj is celebrated which is another festival (for brother and sister).

more on Wiki

Akshay said...

Keshi!! In addition to that I am also a pyromaniac...

Akshay said...

Macadamia The Nut: arrey bhai...translation to hai already..... waat u say ma'am....

kiran sawhney said...

I had also put up Diwali pics. see that on my blog. I love candles and lights too.

Keshi said...

ur seriously a pyromaniac? hv u been diagnosed with it? :)


Anonymous said...

Do you think it might be perhaps because traditions have started meaning less and less to people and Diwali is nothing but another holiday, another reason to get together with friends and crib about work rather than celebrating the idea behind it?

Akshay said...

Kiran Sawhney: I couldn't agree more..

Akshay said...

Keshi : I just know that I am

Akshay said...

quarterpastseven : yes.... that is one of the main reasons.... damn

kiran sawhney said...

Diwali was fun time.